Some things I read that I enjoyed this week:

  • The Mortgage Exchange: ICE Revisited
    • Interesting forecast into potential regulatory actions as a result of the Intercontinental Exchange + Ellie Mae + Black Knight rollup, plus some good history on the development of technology in the mortgage market.
  • Understanding the bin, sbin, usr/bin , usr/sbin split
    • I read a post on this subject about once a year and promptly forget all about it, if I am being honest I am not from the school, discipline, or generation of developers who really even uses those directories. That being said, it’s nice to have a reference to go back to –which is why this is in the post- and I find it refreshing when folks acknowledge how many of our “rules” are just accidents of history.
  • Money Stuff: Terra Flops
    • I am not as much of a Money Stuff fanboy as most readers I know, my suspicion is that, of everyone who has recommended it to me, a small minority read it religiously, it’s often a bit long. That being said, I thought this issue gave me a little more mechanical insight (though not as much as I’d like, I often need things explained slowly to me) into how Terra/Luna managed to crash this week. Curious whether the more suspected culprit of a crypto meltdown (Tether) will be next.
  • Apple iPod EOL Post
    • Two things stand out to me as we see the end of the iPod product line after 22 years
      • No one is talking about this or really cares
      • The update post itself is like…. painfully trying to dance around its core message. At best, it communicates that the iPod Touch is no more (“available while supplies last”) but… it’s totally unclear that any other iPod is being phased out, unless of course you know that the iPod Touch is the only iPod they were still selling? Is that true? Who knows…
    • I remember being in middle school and seeing all the rumors that Apple would start making a phone, playing with my iPod Nano (the short square one, the GOAT) and then when the iPod Touch launched jailbreaking them because there was no way I was getting a cellphone at that young age. End of an era!
  • Moving To Nashville yields Mixed Bag For Wall Street Giant
    • I, like many Coastal Elites, am naturally drawn to these articles. They get me to do a minor version of the classic Hate Click: the Anxiety Click. As a software engineer, fears of outsourcing or replacement by Learn2Coders also yields this at times. That being said, generally the articles yield what this one does: rainmakers stay on the coasts, support roles suffer through the policy. The key is to stay in a profit center for a given company.
  • The Isolation Journals: The Art of Failure with Jon Batiste
  • Just some nice pull quotes:
    • “Ultimately you have to connect with those people who multiply your energy. Place your energy where it will be multiplied.”
    • “Not good enough is the thing that others will tell us, or we’ll tell ourselves, not realizing our value. But nothing we create is ever in that category. There’s a use for everything under the sun. There’s a use for everything in the universe. And when we’re putting ourselves out there, and we’re comparing it to other things, it becomes hard to see the value in the thing that we have actually created.”
      • If an output serves the purpose of helping you get better, then it’s good enough 🙂

Reading Log 2022-05-07 - 2022-05-14